Our family has been serving the dental needs of the community for four generations. Dedictated to helping patients that need it most,
we have expanded our reach and helped those in Honduras.

5400 N High St I Columbus, Ohio 43214 I 614.436.2817

People in need...
Making Grins Outreach is a 501-C non-profit organization founded by the Bourgeois family to provide dental care, dental equipment, and school supplies to very poor people living in Honduras. We travel twice a year to remote areas often by canoe where many have never seen a dentist. These people consume a high sugar diet because they lack electricity for refrigeration and sugar acts as a preservative. With their high sugar consumption and no fluoride in their drinking water, a lack of toothbrushes and tooth paste results in a very high decay rate. Often we are their only relief from toothaches.
Making Grins Outreach is a 501-C non-profit organization founded by the Bourgeois family to provide dental care, dental equipment, and school supplies to very poor people living in Honduras. We travel twice a year to remote areas often by canoe where many have never seen a dentist. These people consume a high sugar diet because they lack electricity for refrigeration and sugar acts as a preservative. With their high sugar consumption and no fluoride in their drinking water, a lack of toothbrushes and tooth paste results in a very high decay rate. Often we are their only relief from toothaches.

The Bourgeois Dentists at work

Dr. Brian
Dr Brian Bourgeois working with a patient in Honduras
Dr Brian Bourgeois working with a patient in Honduras